
Chrome deb
Chrome deb

chrome deb

You go to the Google Chrome website, download the deb file and double lick on it to install it. Method 1: Installing Chrome on Debian Graphically Note: I am using Debian in the examples here but since Kali Linux is based on Debian, the same methods are also applicable to Kali Linux. In this tutorial, I’ll show you two methods of installing Chrome on Debian: You won’t find Google Chrome in the repositories of Debian because it is not open source software but you can download and install it from Chrome website. If you want to install Chrome on Debian, you can surely do so. Google Chrome is hugely popular and you probably already use it on other systems. But this does not mean that you cannot install other web browsers in it. Debian and Debian-based Kali Linux come with Firefox as the default web browser.

Chrome deb